Wednesday, February 1, 2017



2016 was another very productive year for Jonsona.
3 full studio albums, to make 6 total, and 10 official music videos, for the visual artist and singer.
Jonsona, by 2016's end, had decided not to create anymore full studio albums this new year - but - the record making itch came back and now it must be scratched... with the upcoming album TROLLOP. 
In this article, Jonny will talk about the new album, the new acrylic painting website, the new Jonny Poems YouTube channel and a little bit about the state of the world... and life!

"Well... here we are again - a brand spankin' new year! 
And a brand spankin' new article about a brand spankin' new album - LOL!
I had a very productive year, as an artist in 2016 - not lucrative but productive! I also had an amazing holiday season with my family and my cousin who I am very close to, like a sister! She got to come home for the holidays, from Italy, after not being at the homestead for like 7 years! And I had a nice conversation with my Dad on my 43rd birthday!

After New Years though, I felt major post holidays blues. I caught a nasty nasty bug that made me sick for almost a week and a half plus even just getting online and seeing how people were (are) treating each other and acting, got me down on a daily basis.
I was also very burnt out on "Jonsona" and music and videos etc - so I just watched a lot of DVDs, movies and documentaries and loved on my cats for almost 3 weeks...THEN - I started to feel the creative wheels in my brain turning and I was ready to start creating art again, but what kind, what medium, what what what???


I really didn't want to do any more full albums for a long time! I wanted to do different kinds of projects that weren't so energy draining and time consuming.
I knew that I would do at least one album in 2017 and I did start some work on one - following the album SOFT - music dabbling and some ideas, in December of last year but then I took a break for the holidays and after they were over and I was healthy and not burnt out again, trying to figure out what I want to do artistically THIS year - the new full album won! TROLLOP! 
Why that title? It's a reference to the sexy, sometimes trampy performances of the torch song singers of the past and a reference to Jonsona's artistic image plus in the past in real life, I was kind of a "trollop" so, that's all - not too deep of a meaning - LOL ;)

Yep, the itch came and I need to scratch it and this album is very very different from my previous recordings.
Trollop is a jazz "themed" album. There's a 1940s/50s cartoon feel to the record but infused with dance and house music with a few twists and turns musically, not related to the general feel. (check out the track description for more details)

Trollop is my 7th full studio album in 2 years. That is 70+ songs that I have created. As it is a very difficult medium (plus the videos and all of the other work that goes with a full album) - it is my favorite! And I desperately needed a distraction from my mind and everything going on in the world right now!
With it being "different" from everything else I've done musically, I also want to do different things with my singing voice on this record. I am excited about this one - something fresh from me, something new! And as I have had many political type songs on my previous recordings, I am going to shy away from that, on this album. "A-Tune" will play the role of "the state of the world song" but that's about it.

Speaking of the state of the world... well FUCK! What can I say? It's a mess!
What has disturbed me even more though, it the way people are acting and treating each other after this presidential election - and I'm sorry but it is the "liberals" that seem to be the most messed up to me!
I am all for equality and love and of course truth but I no longer consider myself to be a liberal or democrat. I haven't for years now. I'm right in the middle. And I will say that the world being an out of control mess DID NOT START with Donald Trump or in 2017... it's been happening for a long time now! But the mainstream media twists and turns, lies and brainwashes and is used as a tool to create divide -as us "awake folks who have been paying attention" know, I also feel that the alternative media is losing their way too! 
And as I never endorsed Trump, I also didn't endorse Hillary Clinton either. I don't trust ANY of them, Obama included! This world has always had its tumultuous times but the spiral into this recent madness really started with 9/11 I think.

Not trying to be a debbie downer but in my older and wiser, calm and logical brain and the feeling in my heart and soul is - it is not going to get any better anytime soon... if ever.
I try to love my human race but sometimes I feel that this planet needs a reset and if human beings as a whole, don't get our shit together - it's time for a dinosaur like extinction.
I know that's harsh but... Conservatives, Liberals, Republicans, Democrats - labels labels labels, we may all have different beliefs and values but we are ALL Americans and we are ALL Human Beings and if we can't somehow come together as a whole, as a people of a country...SOON, I'm afraid we are doomed. It sounds good, "coming together" but it is easier said than done, sadly. 

And now we have sayings like, "fake news" and "alternative facts" SMH!!! It's all so fucking ridiculous at this point and I can barely wrap my head around it all, anymore! 
All in all, it just doesn't look good for the USA or the Earth for that matter and that's all I have to say about this, at this point. 
Looks like "divide and conquer" is working like a charm! :(


That's why I have decided that since it's pretty clear that chaos is going to indeed win in this world, that I am going to concentrate full time this year, on my art and my family and my home!
I will still keep up with what is going on in the world but I just can't focus on it full time anymore, if I want to remain productive and relatively happy before I die one day!

After this 7th full album is released on April 1st and all singles and videos have been published, I will begin concentrating on my 2 new babies! JONNY POEMS YOUTUBE CHANNEL and ACRYLIC BAR!
There might be one more album this late fall but as a new record did win as 2017s first art project, these two other entities will be my primary focus come spring!
I have been talking about Jonny Poems for almost 2 years now! I wanted to do something with music and video being the medium but much simpler than full albums and music videos.
I still don't have a set in stone plan for JP but it will be along the lines of - staring off with a poem (written by me of course) sometimes about current world issues or everyday life things and then ending the video with a song with a moral to the story or positive message but all in the span of, no longer than 2 minutes - still massively on the drawing board but the channel and website are official!

I also want to start painting again! Most know me as a visual artist or "painter" before I got into music and I have had a huge longing to paint again - so I will and all new works of art will be displayed on the "Jonsona's Acrylic Bar" website.

Jonny Poems and Acrylic bar won't have any content until mid year for I am working on Trollop right now and for the next 3 months but there will be links below this article if you want to check out the currently empty sites, their design and such!

For now though, it's all about my new record so I am immersing myself in that, currently.
And as far as the world is concerned - well, I feel like everything that is going on and that has led up to the present... are lessons we are suppose to be learning from God, The Higher Power, The Light or whatever you want to call it. The human race, as a whole> we seem to be failing miserably but for myself, I will continue to try to do right by this life, my life and not create negative energy with my thoughts or actions, get it right with God as much as I can and drown myself in art and music in this year 2017! That's the power that "I" have and I'm going to use it! 
Peace, Love and Light everyone - Happy New Year, and God bless everyone!    -Jonsona


Jonsona's 7th full studio album TROLLOP
will be released April 1, 2017




